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HOLLYWOOD: That Titanic is in the running for Best Picture in this mornings Oscar nominations will come as no great shock to permanent residents of Planet Earth. That the Academy should send it a flotilla of 14 nominations equaling the record set by All About Eve in 1950 will no doubt cause many moviegoers to cry Man overboard! James Cameron, at least, will feel vindicated after all, that works out to a mere $14.3 million per nomination. Bargain.

Speaking of cheap, low-budget British comedy The Full Monty is a surprise pick for Best Picture, standing proud with Good Will Hunting, L.A. Confidential, Titanic and As Good as It Gets. Conspicuously not chosen was Steven Spielbergs slave-ship drama, Amistad, which critics presumed would get a tip of the hat for worthiness. In the end, all the Academy offered was a Best Supporting Actor nomination for Anthony Hopkins, who looks likely to lose out to Boogie Nights Burt Reynolds. All of which goes to prove an old Hollywood adage: When all else fails, take your clothes off. Perhaps Spielberg should option a remake of Showgirls.