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Microsoft: Give us Justice
Microsoft appeals a court ban on the bundling of Internet Explorer and Windows 95, saying the judge who issued the ruling had overstepped his authority.
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    Iran Talks Peace
    Irans moderate President is making nice with Washington. Our TIME correspondent says his offer to talk is genuine. How will the U.S. respond?

    Clinton Gets His Man
    The President taps a new acting civil rights chief in the Senate's absence. But it's not as much of an insult as it could have been.

    Anthrax Day at the Pentagon
    It's innoculation time for the entire U.S. armed forces just in case Saddam sends us a little gift. Do they know something we don't?

    Castro's Holiday Special
    Cubans get to welcome the other bearded old guy back this year for the first time since 1968, as Fidel Castro temporarily restores Christmas. But he's also playing Scrooge.

    Day Two of the Jackal
    TIME Daily inaugurates its Carlos the Jackal trial watch. Today: the lawyers get the boot.

    Korea Resurgent?
    Seoul may be pleading for accelerated bailout aid, but the Korean market sent a different message Monday as it shot through the roof.

    Cities in Need
    As the holidays approach, a new study finds homelessness and hunger surprise, surprise on the rise in America's cities.

    FORTUNE Business Report gives you everything from Wall Street's day, without the little paper slips. Monday: blue chips and tech stocks part company.

    The Price of Celebrity
    Christian Slater faces the music (and the press) following his conviction. What's his excuse?

    Bucs Stopped Here

    In the Meadowlands, the Jets had their way, pounding out a 31-0 win over Tampa Bay. Despite the loss, Tampa's in the playoffs. Complete coverage at CNNSI.

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