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Kyoto: Why You Should Care
The global warming treaty is nearly ready, and it's stronger than the U.S. delegation would have liked. Could it be the opening salvo of the first major international conflict of the next century?
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  • Is Al Gore, who played cheerleader at Kyoto, fit to be President? Take TIME Daily's Gore Poll (Web users only)

    How Sick is Yeltsin?
    The Russian President is hospitalized. Let the in-fighting begin.

    Why Johnny's Dad Can't Read Either
    It isn't just the kids. A new survey says half of all American adults have problems reading the paper, or balancing a checkbook. What's the problem here?

    Dataholics Anonymous
    A new survey finds information junkies all around us. Could you be one yourself?

    Techs on the Rocks
    After yesterday's bad omen from Oracle, NASDAQ was reeling again as tech stocks took another hit.

    FORTUNE Business Report gets down and dirty on the trading floor. Wednesday--you guessed it--more Asian flu.

    McVeigh: Mr. Saturday Night
    Testimony at the Terry Nichols trial has produced at least one thing that probably should have remained a secret: Timothy McVeigh's pickup lines.

  • TIME Daily Extra!
    Special reports and photo essays.