Why Exercise Won't Make You Thin (Health)

You've heard it for years: to lose weight, hit the gym. But while physical activity is crucial for good health, it doesn't always melt pounds — in fact, it can add them. Here's why


The Great Zinc Breakthrough (Diarrhea)

Diarrhea kills 1.6 million children every year. A simple tablet administered at the first sign of illness could change that


Field of Dreams (Energy)

French nuclear-power giant Areva should be winning in the current climate. Instead, it's fumbling


A Miracle Worker in a Plain Yellow Dress (Corazon Aquino 1933-2009)

Thrust into the spotlight by her husband's assassination, Corazon Aquino never asked for power. But once she assumed it, she ran her nation with tenacity, decency and divine inspiration

'I Am Not Going to Surrender.' (Corazon Aquino 1933-2009)

In the wake of 1986's People Power revolution, TIME chronicled a country's political awakening