The Games That Bring Us Together (Summer Journey)

Sports and games are hurdling borders as never before, in the process breeding fresh champions, creating new wealth, and changing forever the lives of individuals and the destiny of nations

Field of Dreams (Summer Journey / Football)

For many young men in the West African nation of Cameroon, football is a way to leave home and poverty behind. But the game can also be a road to despair

Prison Break (Summer Journey / Boxing)

In Thailand, boxing gives convicts a fighting chance to punch their way out of jail and create a new life free from crime

Crazy for Gold (Summer Journey / China's Olympics)

Determined to knock the U.S. off the top of the Olympics podium, China's state-run sports schools are pushing their young students to the limit. Inside the medal machine

The Never-Ending Story (Summer Journey / Essay)

Even in this age of gadgetry and high-tech distractions, the unadorned games of our past remain the most enduring — and endearing


General Command

Bangladesh's little-known military chief, Moeen Uddin Ahmed, wants to tame the country's unruly politics. But he may wind up snuffing out democracy itself

Resurgent Insurgents (Afghanistan)

By engineering a bold jailbreak and taking control of villages in a key Afghan district, the Taliban flaunts its growing strength and confidence


The Burden of Good Intentions (Manufacturing)

Executives love to talk about corporate social responsibility. But on the factory floor, living up to these lofty ideals is painfully difficult


Pixar's Biggest Gamble (Movies)

The animation wonder boys roll the dice on a demanding (and delightful) sci-fi robot romance