Promises to Keep (Africa | Poverty)

With some nudging from activists, European politicians try to make good on pledges to Africa

The End Of Poverty

In a world of plenty, 1 billion people are so poor, their lives are in danger. How to change that for good


Turning Point (Europe | Northern Ireland)

After a brutal murder in a Belfast bar, republicans are speaking out against Sinn Fein and the I.R.A.


Forging Ahead (Business | Ukraine)

Ukraine plans to reprivatize some of its most valuable industries


Cutting the Cord (Time Next | Wireless Headphones)

One man's lazy quest to find the perfect cordless headset

Photo Opportunities (Time Next | Digital Photography)

What's new in digicams? Better pics, snazzy features, 3-G mobility and easy prints



Sayonara, Tsunami Bar (Arts | Books)

Publication delays and a last-minute title change can't stop this debut novel set in an Osaka hostess bar

Strange New World (Arts | Books)

In Never Let Me Go, Kazuo Ishiguro explores the short, sad lives of clones bred as organ donors


Iced Tee, Anyone? (Global Adviser | Long Haul)

The Spitsbergen Open is a golfing competition with a diference

Africa's Art And Soul (Global Adviser | On Show)

A year of culture from the African continent comes to London

Folate for Everybody? (Global Adviser | Your Health)

Megadoses of the vitamin lower blood pressure in women — and maybe in men


Hail To The Chiefs (Music | Rock)

Get those skinny ties out of the closet — British rock is back, and even Americans want to listen