The Sky's the Limit (Science & Tech)

From zero-gravity flights to robots that can play football, TIME explores some of 2004's most exciting innovations


The Orange Revolution (Europe | Ukraine)

Tens of thousands of Ukrainians take to the streets to protest a presidential vote marred by fraud. Their bitter political divisions could tear the country apart

A Party Divided (Europe | France)

A French Socialist vote on the E.U. constitution could have repercussions around Europe


Epic Complaints (Notebook | Greece)

Hollywood's depiction of a heroic lifestyle choice has upset the folks at home


Power Play (Business | Oil)

The final carve-up of Yukos has begun, but it hasn't stopped the deal-making frenzy in Russia


Bohemian Rhapsody (Global Adviser | Next Time You're In ... Prague)

Can you do the fandango? At Prague's edgy Palac Akropolis you can probably do anything

Sex and The Stars (Global Adviser | Diversions)

Read all about it: Does the zodiac cast a spell over your erotic life?

Look Ma, No Hands (Global Adviser | Tech Watch)

After the horseless carriage comes the driverless one. And this new vehicle may be going places


The War on Terroir (Movies | Wine)

Jonathan Nossiter's passionate documentary explores the battle for the soul of the global wine business