Five More Years, Guaranteed (Cover Story)

Hong Kong Chief Executive Donald Tsang is guaranteed a second term. Will he be able to do anything meaningful with it?

Interview: Hong Kong Chief Executive Donald Tsang (Cover Story)

Can Beijing's anointed leader for Hong Kong pave the road to full democracy while satisfying the city's capitalist élite? In an exclusive interview, Donald Tsang answers his critics




Boxing Clever (Diversions)

Enrolling in Thailand's school of hard knocks has never been easier

Village People (Check In)

Bali's tranquil Desa Seni resort blends traditional village architecture from all over Indonesia

Good Call (Tech Watch)

From video to streaming audio and stock quotes, Hong Kong's Langham Place rolls out the next generation in hotel phones

Walk of Life (TIME Traveler)

A new tour is helping visitors uncover the charms of a city still coping with the aftermath of war