Portrait Of A Killer

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    "This was a methodical undertaking," insisted prosecutor Thomas O'Reilly at the arraignment, while McDermott's parents sat in the front row. "He specifically targeted the individuals we believe he shot." McDermott's lawyer pleaded not guilty on his behalf and, in a move that suggests he might pursue an insanity defense, asked that McDermott be allowed to continue taking his psychotropic medication.

    It will be left to the court to map the journey of a blood donor turned life taker. Only last August, a man named Michael McDermott who used the handle "Mucko" was preaching peace in an Internet discussion about explosives. He reprimanded someone looking to buy land mines: "It would seem that some 'Christians' have forgotten the Sixth Commandment. It is hard to imagine Jesus resorting to land mines." The commandment is Thou Shalt Not Kill.

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