Letters, Jun. 4, 1956

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    I feel you have done an injustice to the orphans' home in Los Angeles where, as Norma Jeane Baker, Miss Monroe spent a short period of her tragic childhood. Surely any youngster with her unfortunate background would have been unhappy in any institution. I have been at this home when the dishes were being washed and often I have heard the youngsters singing and joking as they did them. From Miss Monroe's statement one might gain the impression that she did the 100 plates, 100 cups, 100 knives etc. all by herself. Granted cleaning up bathrooms is an unpleasant chore, but why should not children help in such work? Don't children who live at home often help their mothers at such work?

    HARRY C. JAMES President The Trailfmders Banning, Calif.


    We urgently request information on how to make a four-year-old scrub floors. Could be the biggest boon to harassed mothers since the invention of the automatic washer. MRS. PHIL GRIFFITH MRS. DICK WYDMAN Wichita, Kans.


    Never have I seen such a detailed human story.

    ROY PADILLA San Francisco


    Congratulations on your cover of Marilyn. That's the first human picture of her I have seen.


    Burlington, Vt.


    Your attempt to justify Marilyn's posing nude was nauseating. As for her psychosomatic colds—has she ever tried wearing clothes?

    MRS. JOHN SCANNELL Easton, Pa.


    Enjoyed the article on Marilyn, but what I liked most about the May 14 issue was the picture of vivacious Ginger Rogers and the new British looker, Diana Dors.

    J. R. TENNILLE Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.

    Teeners' Hero


    For heaven's sake, leave Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe to the pulp magazines. They are both utterly nauseating.


    Arlington, Va.


    There must be some error, since in your May 14 issue I find Elvis Presley in the Music section. What does that idiotic howling have to do with music—except the fact that it is on records? Seems to me, the attitude to take would be one of ignoring the whole noise, hoping it will go away.



    Don't worry—we all haven't gone to the dogs! I'm a redblooded, American, teen-age girl, and I think he's ghastly !

    JUDITH TURICK Los Angeles


    That "Hi luh-huh-huh-huuv yew-hew" article: Are you sure that fellow's real name isn't Pelvis Presley ?

    ROBERT E. JORDAN Seattle

    Will Power


    I am writing with regard to the action taken by the school board of Louisiana's Bossier Parish, whereupon they banished

    TIME, LIFE and Look magazines from school libraries [May 14]. I commend the school board of Bossier Parish. Each time I read one of your biased, distorted articles about our Southland, I vow vehemently that I will cancel my subscription. Unfortunately, I do not have the will power to do so. I adore your movie review section.

    CAROLYN S. VOGHT Jackson, Miss.


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