Letters: Dec. 5, 1927

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    Wooster, ex '09.

    Pittsburgh, Pa.

    A freshwater college, says Webster's dictionary, is a comparatively small college; so called because the first large U. S. colleges were located on the seaboard. Ohio State, Michigan, Illinois and Chicago are freshwater colleges, gargantuans. [Wooster is famed for science; Oberlin for its missionaries and its conservatory of music: Notre Dame, Ind., for football eleven.—ED.]

    Sat Next To


    There is much to be said for TIME, but a great deal more to be said to it. One thing I should like to say here and now is that the editors need a lesson in common politeness and patriotism. The merest schoolboy knows that the Vice President of the United States is entitled to all the respect and dignity that attaches to the one office in the land which is above the Vice Presidency. The Vice President might at any moment become the President, as Mr. Coolidge did. Would TIME insult President Coolidge as it has Vice President Dawes in this week's (TIME, Nov. 28) issue where it says: "Next to Mr. Lowden at the game, with fur-lined overcoat and grey fedora to match Mr. Lowden's, sat his great and good friend, Vice President Dawes" ? Does TIME not even realize that Vice Presidents do not sit next to some one but the other way 'round, some one sits next to Vice Presidents . . . ?


    Chicago, Ill.

    TIME meant no insult to Vice President Dawes. TIME sat Vice President Dawes beside Mr. Lowden, and not vice versa, because Mr. Lowden was the principal figure of the narrative, not Vice President Dawes. —ED.



    . . . Your new "Fashion Department" is clever but the editor who only just heard of the participants in a wedding ceremony memorizing their vows is far behind "time." My wife and I have been married 22 years and we memorized our share in the wedding ceremony and know of others who at that time did the same thing.


    Lawrenceville, Ill.

    At Minnesota

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