
  • 40% Percentage of respondents in a TIME poll who think CBS tried to mislead the public with its disputed report on President Bush's National Guard service; 43% say it was an "honest mistake''

    84% Respondents in the same poll who say the report will not make much difference in how they will vote

    5,000 Number of recruits by which the National Guard will fall short of its 56,000 goal this year

    1994 Last time the Guard missed its recruiting goals

    15% Percentage of sexual- harassment claims filed by men last year, up from 9% in 1992

    $205,000 Amount paid by Babies "R" Us last year to settle a claim by a male employee who said he was sexually harassed by other men in the workplace

    300 Number of people who have signed up with a Spanish website to have e-mails sent after they die to loved ones

    $11 to $22 Monthly cost of mid-tier plans, which users pay for the rest of their lives

    Sources: TIME (2); Associated Press (2); DiversityInc (2); CNN (2)