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    ANISHA MASON San Francisco

    BUSH IS DECISIVE AND BOLD, BUT THOSE traits without knowledge, sensitivity (to others and to cultural contexts) and wisdom are dangerous. We don't know yet whether Afghanistan will survive as a free and democratic country. That's still to be determined. We don't know that al-Qaeda is scattered; they are probably just lying low and planning big. Bush's shortsighted decision to invade Iraq fueled anti-Americanism not only in the Middle East but in Western democracies as well. In an ever shrinking world, the attitude of "my way or the highway" won't cut it. Looking at the real reasons behind anti-Americanism and working collaboratively with other countries facing the same threats are the only ways the war on terrorists can ever be won. But Bush doesn't have the knowledge, sensitivity or wisdom to discern that.

    BARBARA J. CRAWFORD Jyvskyl, Finland

    Broader Questions

    THE STATE OF POLITICS IN THE U.S. TODAY is quite worrisome [Sept. 6]. Issues have been jettisoned for personal attacks that could be seen as diversionary. The war on terrorism has dominated everything, pushing aside issues like health care, jobs and education. Defending America is good, but under what circumstances? The question Americans want answered is whether they are better protected now or have been made more vulnerable to attacks. The candidates should address the host of vital issues facing Americans and reject the trivial personal smears.


    IF I WERE AN AMERICAN, I WOULD VOTE for Bush. U.S. citizens should judge a President by evaluating not only what he has done in the past but also how he perceives the future. I admire a President who would oust a notorious dictator — not because voters approved of it but because it was a worthy act that benefits the world. I admire Bush.


    BUSH IS QUOTED AS SAYING "I'M NOT THE historian. I'm the guy making history." Yes, but what kind of history? Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein were also the guys making history. It is amazing and frightening that the head of the U.S. military is intellectually incapable of perceiving some basic distinctions. Those who want to see what kind of history Bush is making should have a look at his unmistakable cowboy posturing.


    THE PRESIDENT OF THE U.S. MUST BE strong. He is the hope not only of the U.S. but also of the world, and the global community does not need a weak leader.

    MICHIO ARAI Yokohama, Japan

    YOU REPORTED THAT "BUSH CONSTANTLY cites the example of postwar Germany and Japan to argue that it is far too soon to call Iraq a failure." But it is prewar Germany, in the years 1933-39, that gives many of us a frightening, disheartening parallel: How could a nation of well-educated, civilized, sophisticated people believe the rhetoric of a fanatic leader pretending their lives were threatened by obviously weaker neighbors, and follow him into a disastrous pre-emptive war?


    BUSH IS PRAISED FOR BEING BRAVE AND decisive for the actions he took after the attacks of 9/11, but why, when his bravery and snap decisions based on trumped-up evidence have proved disastrously wrong and damaging? Neither the U.S., in its long-term interests, nor the world can afford another four years of Bush and his unilateralism.

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