10 Questions For Dr. Phil

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    A PERSON WATCHING YOUR SHOW MIGHT THINK AMERICANS ARE REALLY SCREWED UP. WHY DON'T FOLKS IN OTHER PARTS OF THE WORLD SEEM TO BE AS NEUROTIC OR EMOTIONALLY DAMAGED? We just attend to the human experience at the emotional level more than some other cultures do. When you pay attention to something, it gets more exposure. I don't know that we're less well adjusted than other cultures. We just talk about it. If you live in some of these countries where you're worried about getting killed or starved, you don't spend a lot of time talking about mood swings.

    IF OPRAH HADN'T ENTERED YOUR LIFE, WHAT WOULD YOU BE DOING TODAY? I might be retired in the Cayman Islands. I'm a huge scuba diver.

    AS SOMEONE WHO SUPPORTS STRONG FAMILIES, DO YOU THINK OPRAH AND STEADMAN SHOULD TIE THE KNOT? You know, I don't think you should fix what ain't broke. That is a happy, peaceful, bonded couple. I don't think I'd change a damn thing if I were them.

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