
  • $54 million Amount Morgan Stanley will pay to settle a sex-discrimination lawsuit, which could involve as many as 350 women

    $12 million Amount of the settlement that will go to former bond saleswoman and lead plaintiff Allison Schieffelin

    $76,624 2004 average White House salary for men

    $59,917 2004 average White House salary for women

    180 Number of days Secretary of State Colin Powell spent traveling in his first 42 months in office

    263 Average number of days Powell's three immediate predecessors spent traveling at a similar point in their tenure

    124 Number of Emmy nominations received by HBO, a record for one network

    41 Number of nominations for two HBO shows, The Sopranos and Angels in America

    33 Number of nominations garnered by ABC

    Sources: New York Times (2); Washington Post (4); Boston Globe; Baltimore Sun (2)