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    Democratic Demographics

    "Leaving Blacks Cold" [July 5] reported that most African Americans are unimpressed by John Kerry's presidential campaign. But Kerry needs only to make himself known to black voters. Their dislike of Bush alone ought to make the difference in the election. Those of us on this side of the Atlantic are tired of seeing the face of a man who has lied so much to his people and to the rest of the world.
    Bremen, Germany

    Every four years, Democrats appeal to us black voters, and our hopes are raised; then they forget us, and we grumble. Another election, and the game begins anew. African Americans and Democrats are in a marriage of convenience: we live under the same roof, but black folk sleep on the couch night after night, for four years at a time. Yet tonight, and until Election Day, the bedroom door is open. For better or for worse, till death do us part, we're married. But, honey, it doesn't mean we're happy about it.

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