Camp Or Show Biz?

  • Gone are the simple days of woodland hikes and marshmallow roasts. More and more summer camps are giving kids a chance to live out their show-biz dreams. A look at how some talented youngsters are spending their summer.

    The LITCHFIELD JAZZ FESTIVAL SUMMER MUSIC SCHOOL in Connecticut offers lessons in jazz theory and playing in a combo, and has started a dance workshop.

    The YOUNG ACTORS CAMP in L.A. brings in guests like the cast of The O.C. to lecture on acting. Some campers need an audition to get in, and agents drop by too.

    The DIGIPEN SUMMER WORKSHOPS in Washington State, begun a year ago, teach video-game programming and this summer added a robotics workshop.

    At CAMP JAM in Atlanta, the motto is "No Canoes — Lots of Rock." Kids form bands and learn from famous staff members, like founder Jeff Carlisi of .38 Special.