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    Culpability or Shame?

    You wrote about how Bush Administration officials looked into reshaping America's stance on torture [June 21]. Torture is torture. Period. Honor is honor. Period. There are no shades of gray. If the U.S. wishes to hold itself up as the light of freedom and civil rights, it must maintain moral principles in all situations. Punishment of the soldiers directly involved in the Abu Ghraib abuse is pure hypocrisy if we do not also bring to justice everyone in the military chain of command, as high up as necessary. The U.S.'s standing in the world community requires this.
    Moab, Utah

    Marketing Savvy

    Your article "Pitching It To Kids" told how children under 13 are a key target for marketers [June 28]. Dealing with the problem of the hard sell to children is simple, but you have to be a firm adult. Just say no, and explain that the sugary cereal — or whatever — is bad for children, but that the company wants to sell it to make money. You'd be surprised how easily young kids get this concept.
    Wayland, Mass.

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