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    How can the heroic efforts against a monster like Hitler, who was slowly swallowing up Europe, possibly be compared with the war in Iraq, one being waged for America's political interests?
    Antibes, France

    A Belgian brigade was part of the invading forces on D-day. Those soldiers fought as well as any others and should not be overlooked as participants in the liberation of Europe.
    Ghent, Belgium

    The Shame of Abu Ghraib

    Your report on the psychological and physical mistreatment of prisoners at Abu Ghraib by U.S. soldiers came as a great shock and exploded the myth that we live in a civilized world [May 17]. If the U.S. attacked Iraq to rescue its people from the cruelty of their dictator, then what kind of example has been set by those abusive American soldiers? Today the whole world is disgusted by their acts. There is a lot of talk about human rights nowadays. Does such a thing exist? Abu Ghraib will haunt the world for years to come.

    After Abu Ghraib and the insurgents' attacks, which have resulted in the deaths of Iraqi civilians, many people around the globe are asking when Washington will realize that invading Iraq has not solved that country's problems. Public sentiment has turned against the U.S. because of Iraq. America represents many beliefs that the world values in the 21st century, but the insensitive and arrogant behavior of the Bush Administration is tarnishing the image of the U.S. Americans should expect better from their government.
    Stavanger, Norway

    The U.S. should certainly not rely on the same methods that terrorists do. Because of events at Abu Ghraib, the U.S. will need even stronger determination in order to win the hearts and minds of Iraqi people.
    Southampton, England

    Curtailing Communion

    Re Andrew Sullivan's essay "Showdown At The Communion Rail" [May 24]: As a Roman Catholic, I was appalled to learn that some bishops would actually withhold Communion from believers because of their views on abortion. One would hope that the upper echelons of the church hierarchy would have learned tolerance by now and ceased engaging in petty political machinations. Has the church come to terms with the numerous allegations of sexual abuse of young boys by priests? Is it possible that all priests who are giving or taking Communion are without sin? I think not. Withholding a sacrament from a Catholic because that person's political beliefs are deemed not worthy is totally against the teachings of Christ.
    Pierrefonds, Que.

    Wow, it's been 2,000 years, and the Catholic Church still doesn't understand Jesus. The bishops should keep in mind that Jesus preached tolerance toward all. Everyone was invited to his dinner. When the bishops preach about the sanctity of life, they must remember the church's teaching of tolerance.
    Kaiserslautern, Germany

    Chalabi's Woes

    Re "From Friend To Foe" [May 31], about the U.S. investigation of its formerly favored Iraqi Ahmad Chalabi: The Bush Administration would have us believe that Chalabi duped us Americans into going to war against Iraq to remove Saddam Hussein and into thinking he had weapons of mass destruction (WMD) that posed an imminent threat. Anyone who believes that is playing into the Administration's hands. Chalabi provided a convenient justification for a war that was being urged by Bush advisers. The blame for the unfortunate misadventure in Iraq lies squarely with the Bush team, and accusing Chalabi of providing false information is disingenuous. It is just one more example of the Bush Administration's penchant for not accepting responsibility for its mistakes.
    New York City

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