Inside Hamas


    THE FACE OF TERROR: Hamas operatives like these activists lead lives so secret that their militant identities are often hidden from their own families

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    The movement has constructed a cradle-to-grave network that gently draws Palestinians into the Hamas fold. The group funds a vast range of bread-and-butter programs in education, family aid, orphan care and sports. It builds mosques, clinics and libraries. It runs an extensive distribution network for the needy. Just as important, the men of Hamas, from top to bottom, have won a reputation for scrupulous honesty. Dr. Ziad Abu Amr, an independent member of the Palestinian parliament, says that Hamas' image as "clean"--in contrast to the corrupt Authority — as well as its ability to "fill in the gaps left by the Authority's ineffectiveness," have won it considerable backing, even from many who do not share its extremist positions. "It's not just altruistic," he adds. "Hamas knows how to use this source of power to build a solid base of popular suppo
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