
  • 80% Portion of patients at Baghdad's Central Teaching Hospital for Children who leave with infections they didn't have when they arrived

    $551 million Amount spent on public health in Iraq last year, expected to jump to $1.7 billion this year

    44% Portion of athletes at this year's Summer Olympics who will be women, up from 38% at the 2000 Games

    3 Number of female athletes on Afghanistan's 10-member team

    1 billion Number of birds killed by flying into glass windows in the U.S. each year

    121 million Number of birds killed annually by U.S. hunters

    1 Number of auditions William Hung had on American Idol before he was harshly kicked off by judges for his off-key but charming performance

    4 million Number of hits received in the first week by a fan website devoted to Hung

    Sources: New York Times (2); Associated Press (2); Muhlenberg College (2); San Jose Mercury News (2)