Q & A With Hugh Hefner

  • In 1953 Hugh Hefner created Playboy at his kitchen table. This month the 50th-anniversary issue hits stands.

    Playboy is 50. Would you be interested in a 50-year-old woman?

    Romantically, my interests are younger. It is the younger women who I'm involved with in my day-to-day business. But I'm still very close to my former wife, who is not 50 but she's moving along.

    Do you have a favorite centerfold?

    It would have to be Marilyn Monroe. One could not have written a more perfect scenario, that we would wind up with our very first centerfold as the woman who became the major sex celebrity of the 20th century.

    Aren't you bored with breasts yet?

    No. I've always been a visual person.

    How many girlfriends do you have now?


    And do you really sleep with all of them?

    It is just like an ordinary relationship times six. A lot of single guys or women date more than one person. The only thing that's different here is we do whatever we're going to do together. It's very nice, makes it like a little family.

    Who is the next Hef?

    I do have two young boys, 13 and 12, who would love to slip into Daddy's slippers.

    What are your turn-ons?

    Relaxing in the bedroom with the girlfriends. Watching a good movie. Sharing time with friends.


    The people who still don't understand.