
  • 9.4% Third-quarter rise in U.S. productivity, or worker output per hour, the largest quarterly gain in 20 years

    6% Rise in overtime worked, over the past year, by employees who don't hold a 9-to-5 job

    4,450 Number of campaign spots the four major Democratic presidential candidates have aired in Des Moines, Iowa, so far this year

    850 Number of ads the Republican and Democratic candidates ran in Des Moines over the same period in 1999

    14 lbs. 3 oz. Weight of an Omaha, Neb., baby born late last month, the largest ever delivered in the 130-year history of the Creighton University Medical Center

    22% Rise in the percentage of babies under 3 lbs. 4 oz. born over the past 20 years

    $50 million Projected ticket sales of Simon and Garfunkel's latest reunion tour

    33 Years since the duo officially broke up

    Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics; Circadian Technologies; N.Y. Times (2); AP; National Center for Health Statistics