Clintonian Rhapsody

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    And while Eszterhas tries to shoehorn his bitchily fun Tinseltown anecdotes into a larger political picture, it's not the most original observation to say politics has become like show biz. We're told that Clinton was fixated on Stone, that he had Hollywood bigs stay in the Lincoln Bedroom, that he was a fan of Eszterhas' movies. Uh, yeah ... and? This isn't cultural criticism; it's Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. There's a sense that Eszterhas is hitching his wagon to Clinton's motorcade to give his movies historical import. I know all about witch-hunts! They protested Showgirls!

    Rhapsody does merit an adjective few have attached to Eszterhas projects: moral. And its indignation cuts both ways. He calls impeachment a "figurative assassination," but would he vote for Clinton again? "No. He's made this a better America. But what I find unforgivable finally is the lying."

    Some have guessed that post-President Bill will take an exec spot at DreamWorks. Eszterhas doesn't. "Reagan learned all about the presidency through Hollywood," he says. "Bill Clinton may be just the reverse. But I don't think he'll end up with the black Dodge Ram and David Geffen's masseur and the girl with the nipple ring waiting for him at the end of the day. I certainly don't wish that upon him."

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