Recipe for Fun

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    The highlight of Terry Benca's week in the Boot Camp class in August was when one of the chefs complimented Benca on an apple-ginger sauce he made for a pork medallion entree. "I felt like a schoolkid; I was so excited," says Benca, 56, an engineer who lives in Allegany, N.Y. "I couldn't wait to tell my wife and son."

    Six-time Boot Camp veteran Bruce Bogert, 79, of Rockport, Mass., says his science background kept bringing him back to the CIA. "As an engineer, I always like to know precisely how things are done. This is why cooking has fascinated me for years," says Bogert, who took several of the courses with his wife and two daughters. "These courses are like an adventure trip without the danger." And unlike an adventure trip, you can experience the same fun and excitement in the comfort of your own kitchen, once you return home.

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