Babe Tube


    Tia Carrere in 'The Relic Hunter'

    (4 of 4)

    Jennifer Sky in 'Cleopatra 2525'

    Even more promising is Cleopatra 2525, from Rob Tapert and R.J. Stewart, the co-creators of Xena, which still outdraws all these other shows, including V.I.P. and Baywatch. Cleopatra will have Xena's Jennifer Sky playing a stripper whose botched breast-augmentation procedure requires her to be frozen. When she's accidentally thawed in the 26th century, she, Hercules actress Gina Torres and newcomer Victoria Pratt get chased around by robots. But they too are going to spend their time fighting for the environment. There must be some FCC equation for how much sexual exploitation one can do for each minute of whale saving.

    Can these shows last in a cable universe crowded with pay-per-view, The Man Show's ubiquitous women on trampolines and a score of ways to see topless women without sitting through bad adventure plots? Probably not. Unless, of course, they star Pamela Anderson Lee.

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