Hiding in Plain Sight

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    At her arraignment last week, Soliah smiled at her husband and three weeping daughters as her alleged crimes were read out to the court. Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura says he will allow her extradition to California. King of the L.A.P.D.. claims objectivity: "All we wanted to do was find her [bring her before a judge] and close this book out." Her supporters want history to be taken into account. Says her friend Chris Coleman, a St. Paul city councilman: "It was a different era. It's not a reflection of who we are now." Others are indignant at her treatment by authorities. Says neighbor Anne Fabie: "We send people to prison to rehabilitate them so they can become the kind of person Sara is today. It would serve no purpose to incarcerate her." That depends on whether imprisonment is reformation or punishment. Says John Walsh, host of America's Most Wanted: "She's led a good life and done good deeds, but if you have tried to kill cops, you're going to be in trouble."
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