The Joy Of Soy

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    Stay away from isoflavone supplements; the stuff probably won't do you much good by itself and could lead to problems in high doses. And check the label on all those soy hot dogs, sausages and pork ribs. Some are made with textured vegetable protein that doesn't contain a lot of soy, while others have plenty of soy protein but no isoflavones.

    Finally, don't expect miracles. A splash of soy sauce on your fried wonton won't do a thing for your arteries. (Soy sauce, besides being too salty, is almost isoflavone-free.) You still have to stop smoking, cut down on the amount of saturated fat in your diet, load up on fruits and vegetables and get plenty of exercise. But if you're already eating an apple a day, you can't go wrong adding an ounce or two of soy.

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