
  • $20,000 Price fetched for the front car of a Walt Disney World monorail — Disney auctioned it off last week as part of its "100 Years of Magic" celebration

    943,976 miles Distance logged by the car, which ferried amusement parkgoers for more than 30 years

    $162,000 Average cost of a second home in 2001, a 27% increase from 1999. Analysts attribute the rising prices to the usual suspects: stressed-out baby boomers searching for weekend getaways

    359,000 Second homes bought last year, the second highest number since 1989

    24.4% Percentage of U.S. babies delivered via caesarean section last year

    17% Percentage of U.S. first-time mothers who gave birth by C-section in 2001

    19 Number of countries that have been cited by the State Department for not doing enough to combat the trafficking of human beings — Greece and Russia are among the U.S. allies that made the list

    50,000 Number of people believed to be living in the U.S. as a consequence of human smuggling

    Sources: Disney, USA Today, AP, New York Times