Violation of Trust

A sex scandal at the BBC tarnishes the broadcaster

  • Michael Putland / Getty Images

    Jimmy Savile as the presenter of the the BBC music chart show "Top Of The Pops", circa 1973

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    Some key players are giving their side of the story. Thompson, who navigated smaller storms at the BBC during his eight years at the helm, issued a statement: "I was not notified or briefed about the Newsnight investigation, nor was I involved in any way in the decision not to complete and air the investigation." His successor, George Entwistle, who took over in September, gave a halting performance during an Oct. 23 grilling by a parliamentary committee. BBC staffers who were gathered in Westminster for a book party on the evening of Entwistle's testimony talked of little else. "Entwistle will be the shortest-lived director general in the BBC's history" was one pithy assessment.

    If true, that would be bad news for Entwistle and for anyone who relies on Britain's media for information. Savile should have been investigated. With the BBC and other media outlets fixating on themselves, what else will go undetected?

    (MORE: BBC Airs Unseen Expose on Its Disgraced Star)

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