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    One of several things Klein chose not to mention is that Head Start results extend beyond the classroom and contribute to overall preparedness for life. The bottom line is that the cumulative, lifelong benefits of Head Start show that the program is a smart investment. Study after study has demonstrated that for every dollar spent on Head Start, society earns back at least $7 through increased earnings, employment and family stability and decreased welfare dependency, crime costs, grade repetition and special education. In fact, the value and efficacy of Head Start was further affirmed in a recent letter to Congress signed by nearly 300 early-learning academics and researchers.

    Yasmina Vinci, Executive Director, National Head Start Association, WASHINGTON

    As one of the many Head Start pioneers of the 1960s, I agree it has lost focus and professional accountability. One of the early and successful pilots gave preschool-age children with physical and cognitive disabilities the opportunity to be educated, respected and productive. Sadly, it became a political football, with some inept government managers calling bad plays.

    Marion Walton, GREENFIELD, WIS.

    The Fans Go Wild

    Finally, someone who gets fan fiction right! ["The Boy Who Lived Forever," July 18]. Thank you, Lev Grossman, for doing your homework and writing a sensitive, nuanced, nonsensationalized piece that looks at all sides of the issue.

    Gwyn Harper, TUCSON, ARIZ.

    I was surprised to find some of the quoted authors so territorial. They chose to publish their stories, and the characters and worlds they created entered the hearts and imaginations of the fans who support their earnings. I would think they would be proud.

    Kathleen D'Auria, FLEMINGTON, N.J.

    I blame you, TIME, for getting me involved in Harry Potter fan fiction. Now I will never get around to my summer AP schoolwork and studying for the SATs.

    Sue Chang, LOS ANGELES

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