The Merits of Menopause

Hot flashes can be torture, but they may help protect the heart

  • Illustration by Daniel Horowitz for TIME

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    Adding to a growing body of research, a new study of more than 130,000 healthy adults by the Harvard School of Public Health found that those who took ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) regularly over six years reduced their risk of developing Parkinson's by 38%, compared with non users. The benefit appears to apply to ibuprofen and not other anti-inflammatory painkillers such as aspirin and acetaminophen (Tylenol), suggesting that new drug targets for Parkinson's may lie in ibuprofen's mode of action.


    Number of unapproved prescription cold and allergy drugs recalled by the FDA. Many of them were released before 1962, when new FDA regulations for evaluating drug safety and efficacy went into effect.

    Sources: Menopause; British Medical Journal; Neurology; FDA

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