• World

Can Sudan Split Without Falling Apart?

9 minute read
Alex Perry/Abyei

What kind of life Achai Chol and her husband Majok Alae would build in the world’s newest country came down to how much they could fit on the bus. In late November, the couple and their nine children climbed aboard a battered 44-seater outside their house in Dongle, in the far north of Sudan, and rode south across the Sahara for nine days. On the roof: 11 beds, 11 mattresses, five suitcases, a gas cooker, a fan, a television and much, much more. The family was part of an exodus of hundreds of thousands of southerners from northern Sudan before a Jan. 9 referendum on southern independence. Camping in the dust and heat by the side of the road in Abyei, just south of the effective border dividing Sudan, Achai could see nothing but good times ahead. “We are in our place,” she said, beaming. “Even if we have no money, nothing bad can happen. We are on our land.”

Two days later, in the nearby village of Tagalei, headman Mijak Kuol, 47, would use the same words to explain why war was imminent. “We are in our place,” he said. “This is where our ancestors lived and died. We must fight for it.”

(See photos of George Clooney in Sudan.)

Is Sudan witnessing the birth of a new nation or the restart of an old war? In the run-up to the referendum, in which southerners are expected to vote overwhelmingly to carve Africa’s biggest country in two, it’s possible to discern both. Africa meets Arabia in this vast land, and the two halves of the nation differ in culture, race and religion. Over two centuries, the Arab north oppressed the African south, raiding it for slaves well into the 20th century. Sudan’s two long civil wars since its independence from Anglo-Egyptian control in 1956 have claimed some 2 million lives. The uncertainty that past evokes is stoking tensions among Sudan’s 44 million people. Stakes are high for the wider world too. Conflict in Sudan would spill over its borders, with refugees fleeing the fighting. And Sudan attracts global economic interest: its oil reserves are significant, as are its minerals, from copper to gold.

Peaceful separation between north and south is possible. In 2005 the U.S. brokered a Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) to end more than half a century of conflict, creating an autonomous southern region and holding out the option of secession if the south so chose. That event at first seemed unlikely, not least because it was opposed by the south’s longtime leader John Garang. But with his death in 2005, and Khartoum’s continued discrimination against Sudan’s regions, separation has become the south’s choice. This “is the final part of our journey,” said the man destined to be southern Sudan’s first President, Salva Kiir Mayardit, in a speech last January.

(See TIME’s photos of Sudan on the eve of referendum.)

There are reasons to share his optimism. The referendum process faces a tight timetable but one that can be met, say monitors from the Carter Peace Center. Both north and south are showing diplomatic restraint: Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir has promised to let the south leave Sudan if it chooses to, and when northern bombers strayed into southern territory in December, the south did not respond in kind. Zach Vertin, Sudan specialist at the International Crisis Group, argues that Sudan’s oil can be a force for peace. “The oil is largely in the south, and the infrastructure to export it runs through the north,” he says. “So there is mutual reliance.”

But if Sudan’s history makes dividing the nation seem an obvious solution, drawing a line in the sand is not as easy as it sounds. Northerners can be dark-skinned, southerners can be Muslim, and the southern capital, Juba, is the southernmost Arabic-speaking town in the world. The toweringly tall Ngok Dinka tribe, whose members live around Abyei and of which Mijak Kuol is a leader, is a case in point. Though black African in appearance, the tribe has historically sided with the richer Arab north. Today, upset by Khartoum’s marginalization of Sudan’s regions, they want to secede along with the south. The north vehemently objects. So do the Misseriya, a tribe of cattle herders who have traditionally moved south into Ngok Dinka land during the northern dry season and who want to remain part of Sudan. And Abyei also has oil.

(See more about Obama’s efforts to bring peace to Sudan.)

The dispute has already sparked violence. In 2008 the northern army leveled Abyei and killed about 100 of its residents. In 2010 the Misseriya attacked three villages nearby. To try to stop the Abyei dispute from wrecking the entire peace process, the CPA’s framers included a separate, simultaneous referendum on whether to join the north or south. But a deadlock over who should be allowed to vote — whether to include the Misseriya alongside the Ngok Dinka — means that poll will not happen.

With the Abyei process broken, more killing seems likely. The Ngok Dinka are backed by the main southern rebel force, the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA), which is moving fighters into the area. Claire McEvoy, a Sudan specialist at the Small Arms Survey, which monitors conflicts, says the north is doing the same. “Anything could happen,” she says.

See TIME’s Top 10 of Everything of 2010.

Avoiding Déjà Vu
So how does the world prevent another Sudanese meltdown? By using what, for decades, has been unthinkable in Sudan: diplomacy. Last fall, with the referendum looming, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told the Council on Foreign Relations that Sudan is a “ticking time bomb of enormous consequences,” adding that the loss of the south “is going to be a very hard decision for the north to accept, so we have got to figure out some ways to make it worth their while.” In November, Senator John Kerry visited Khartoum on the Obama Administration’s behalf.

If the north were to allow a peaceful referendum, said Kerry, the U.S. would remove it from its list of state sponsors of terrorism. Progress in other areas, notably Darfur, the scene of bitter fighting between rebels and the regime, would lead to an end to economic sanctions — and relief of Sudan’s $35 billion of foreign debt. Kerry is optimistic: “We’re very hopeful,” he says. “All sides are really focused on trying to avoid more conflict.”

(See TIME’s video of a nun rescuing refugees in Sudan.)

The softer Washington line on Sudan is being reflected in other capitals too. For the past 18 months, former South African President Thabo Mbeki, representing the African Union, has been the lead international mediator in talks between the north and south. The government of Qatar is hosting peace talks over Darfur. And Beijing, which extracts and imports the lion’s share of Sudan’s oil, is helping diplomatically too. All of this has set the scene for unparalleled international coordination, says Scott Gration, a retired Air Force major general who is the U.S. special envoy to Sudan. “We did not come together by accident,” he says. “We have the same mission: creating an environment where the parties themselves pull this off.”

All the same, there are plenty of ways the north and south can still blunder back into war. Besides Abyei, lines between the two are blurred in at least six border disputes. Other points of contention to resolve before separation would become formal in July include how to split that $35 billion in debt, the oil, the national army, the waters of the White Nile, and grazing and land rights.

Even if deals can be reached, doubts remain over whether either north or south can thrive alone. For the north, divorce could mean a crushing alimony: most of Sudan’s oil, currently accounting for 60% of Sudanese government revenue, is in the south. There is also concern about the north’s political stability. The south’s departure may encourage other rebel movements, and the loss of territory might be a cue for hard-line Islamists or generals to unseat al-Bashir.

(See TIME’s photos of Southern Sudan preparing for nationhood.)

If al-Bashir has worries in the north, so does the government in the south. McEvoy has been watching four warlords who, disappointed with their likely roles in an independent nation, last year broke with the SPLA and took their men into the bush. One such group killed 20 SPLA soldiers on Dec. 20. Kiir, the south’s leader, is trying to buy off all four warlords with government positions. “These guys don’t pose a huge threat today,” says McEvoy, “but the potential in the future is huge.”

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Then there’s the south’s economic viability. Khartoum is a city of chic cafés and gleaming skyscrapers, but most southerners still live in mud huts and make do with little industry or agriculture, few roads and almost no electricity. And foreign aid doesn’t do much. Last February, World Bank investigators found that their team in Juba had spent just $217 million of the $526 million they were managing in a multidonor fund to assist south Sudan’s construction.

In the run-up to its anticipated inauguration as a new capital, Juba has become a boomtown, drawing a motley crew of chancers: logistics experts, car salesmen, development workers and working girls. But an economy in which the big money — from aid and oil — goes to foreign contractors or foreign bank accounts held by southern-Sudanese officials leaves most ordinary people basing their hopes for future prosperity on the wallets of a few thousand foreigners and bureaucrats. David Gressly, the U.N.’s regional coordinator in Juba, says it will take a generation before southern Sudan is fully formed. “Real success will take 20 to 25 years,” he says.

(See video of the Lord’s Resistance Army terrorizing Sudan.)

So many and varied are the issues facing Sudan that most observers decline predictions. Asked about Sudan’s outlook, a senior Western diplomat in Juba replies, “Damned if I know. There are an astonishing range of problems that are going to wash over this place.” Failure — in the form of war — will be easy to spot. Success will be less obvious: slow, messy and with endless setbacks. But that is also a description of diplomacy. And the surprising news from Sudan is that, so far, diplomacy is working.

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This article originally appeared in the Jan. 10, 2011 issue of TIME

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