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    John Cloud is on target when he talks about the lack of prestige in the profession of teaching. Many postgrad courses and master's programs for teaching are lessons in chair warming (and cash cows for universities). High expectations in public schools begin with high expectations in the universities that prepare our teachers. Prestige comes from programs that are selective and rigorous.

    Karen Grube, MILWAUKEE

    Cloud's article omits a key point: whether they are from Teach for America or a university teacher-ed program, our nation's new educators are mostly monolingual, middle-class white females who liked school. They graduate without understanding how to teach the growing number of students who are not like them.

    Dennis Fehr, LUBBOCK, TEXAS

    One problem with drawing people from other careers is Social Security's Windfall Elimination Provision. In California, simply becoming a teacher after having worked in another profession can in many cases dramatically reduce Social Security benefits. This leads to the ironic situation of a government calling for people to teach yet penalizing them for doing so.

    Milt Rouse, DANA POINT, CALIF.

    As a former "paid volunteer" teacher, I was thrilled to read Cloud's article. But his repeated insinuation that mostly Ivy League graduates participate in these programs offended me. The Ivy League does not have a monopoly on the best and brightest. Using "Ivy League" as shorthand for "good colleges" might make for snappy copy, but it's sloppy journalism, particularly in a story about educational inequality.

    Hannah Agran, DES MOINES, IOWA

    Upheaval in Kashmir

    Jyoti Thottam's fine analytical report on Kashmir ignored some vital points [Sept. 20]. Pakistan is in illegal occupation of one-third of the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir and is the aggressor, attacker and sponsor of terrorism. The "special status" of the state is responsible for the elite and vested interests getting richer and the common people suffering. Millions of unemployed in other places don't go pelting security forces with stones and attacking them. The state government is ineffective, and the federal government has failed to curb seditious activities and smash terrorism.

    Yatindra Bhatnagar, KATY, TEXAS

    The Adoption Option

    So Joel Stein's wife doesn't wish to bear another baby because of the admittedly complicated physical issues (and a few vanity concerns), and he wants another child. Ever hear of adoption? Cassandra, this solves your physical concerns, and Joel, you'll still have a kid that may grow up to fulfill your dream of curing cancer. Try it, you'll like it!

    Pat Luftman, EMMAUS, PA.

    Drink Your Milk, at Your Own Risk

    Re "Got Raw?" [Sept. 20]: Are advocates of drinking raw milk willing to accept the consequences for their "right" to ignore safety measures that go back to the early 1900s, after discoveries made decades earlier by Louis Pasteur? I say let them have their freedom--if they are willing to entirely foot the bill for any medical costs that come from such actions.

    Bud Russo, LAS CRUCES, N.M.

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