TIME Poll of U.S. Hispanics

Inside America's Largest Minority


    The U.S. Hispanic population has increased 17% in the past four years, to 41.3 million. Hispanics are projected to account for 46% of all U.S. population growth over the next 20 years. Although only 62% of all U.S. Hispanic adults have finished high school, 84% of U.S.-born Hispanics graduate. The median net worth of Hispanic households is $7,932, less than one-tenth the figure for non-Hispanic whites, $88,651. There were 1.6 million Hispanic-owned firms in the U.S. in 2002, a 30% increase since 1997. U.S. Hispanic workers sent an estimated $30 billion home to Latin American countries in 2003


    Today Hispanics are 14% of the U.S. population. About half were born outside the U.S., but most want to blend into American society

    Country of ancestry

    Mexico … 58%

    Puerto Rico … 10%

    Spain … 5%

    Cuba … 5%

    Dominican Rep. … 4%

    U.S. … 4%

    El Salvador … 2%

    Portugal … 1%

    All others … 11%

    Place of birth:

    Mainland U.S. 46%

    Elsewhere 49%

    Puerto Rico: 5%

    Primary language spoken at home:

    Spanish 43%

    English 32%

    Both 23%

    Other/No answer: 2%

    How important is it for Latinos to blend into the larger U.S. society?

    Very important 64%

    Somewhat important 24%

    Not too important: 5%

    Not at all important: 3%

    Don’t know: 4%

    Is legal immigration ...

    ... good for the U.S.? 65%

    ... bad for the U.S.? 17%

    It depends/don’t know 17%

    How much legal immigration should the U.S. allow?

    More 32%

    Less 17%

    Same as now 41%

    How serious a problem is illegal immigration?


    •Extremely 29%

    •Very 32%


    •Somewhat 22%

    •Not very 13%

    Are illegal immigrants ...

    ... taking jobs from U.S. citizens? 14%

    ... taking jobs U.S. citizens don’t want? 74%


    Hispanics tend to be Democrats, but President Bush grabbed a significant share of their votes in 2004. Education and jobs are top concerns

    Political affiliation:

    Democrat 38%

    Independent 22%

    Republican 16%

    Which party better represents the interests of Hispanics?

    Democratic 54%

    Republican 16%

    Neither 9%

    Do you expect a Hispanic to be nominated for President or Vice President ...

    ... in 2008?

    Yes 40%

    No 53%

    ... in 2012?

    Yes 54%

    No 37%

    President Bush’s job performance:

    Approve 44%

    Disapprove 45%

    Was the U.S. right to go to war with Iraq?

    Yes 34%

    No 56%

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