In Brief

  • GETTING GREENER More companies are adding socially responsible funds to their 401(k)s. Even Ford and GM have started offering a few, including the Domini Social Equity index fund, which refuses to invest in environmentally unfriendly carmakers. Greens tend to be tech-heavy, and some index funds paid the price. The top-rated managed funds were able to beat the S&P; with a clear conscience.

    $PENDING TO $AVE Wish putting gas in your tank could somehow lead to more money in the bank? has cooked up a way to augment families' college savings by getting companies such as ExxonMobil, McDonald's and Toys "R" Us to funnel a percentage of a customer's spending into a tax-deferred state tuition savings account. The membership program, which launched last week, ensures customer loyalty. Why switch to MCI if AT&T; will put 4% of your monthly bill toward Junior's education?

    CARJACKED In a recent survey, 46% of Americans said they never shop around for auto insurance, and a study by Progressive shows such laziness can cost you a bundle. Using data from some 90,000 of last year's potential buyers, the company compared the rates it quoted with those from up to three other leading auto insurers. The cost of identical insurance policies varied widely, with the range in premiums averaging $515 for every six-month period.