It's Stockholm Calling. Oslo Too (Briefing On The Nobel Prize)

The honors go to the discoverer of protein "ZIP codes," a laser photographer, two particle theorists, the father of the euro and death-defying doctors


A Grand Quest (The Arts/Cinema)

Triumph and regret in a David Lynch surprise

Living with the Dead (The Arts/Cinema)

Nicolas Cage stars as a haunted ambulance driver in Martin Scorsese's harrowing new film

The Fire This Time (The Arts/Music)

Thirty years after he shook the world at Woodstock, Carlos Santana is back on top

TV's Coming-Outparty (The Arts/Television)

Gay characters have quietly become hot. Can their love lives?

Necessary Targets (The Arts/Theater)

Eve Ensler takes to the stage to push feminist and social-activist causes. Men are allowed too


The Empire Strikes Back (Nation/Campaign 2000)

Reeling in Big Labor and improvising well, Gore has a big week. Finally. But can it last?

Mutually Assured Destruction

Eight months after impeachment, the defeat of the test ban proves that the air in Washington is still radioactive. And it's likely to get worse


The Good News Coup?

Pakistanis exult over the fall of Sharif. But will military rule make the volatile subcontinent any safer?


Divided We Stand (Personal Time/Your Family)

As Hollywood keeps telling us, marriage isn't always a breeze. But do trial separations work?

A Racial Gap (Personal Time/Your Health)

Blacks undergo lifesaving lung-cancer surgery at a lower rate than whites. What can be done?

Mr. November (Personal Time/Your Money)

In October, leaves fall gently, stocks fall hard, and investors lose their mind. Count me out

Wealth Valley (Personal Time/Your Technology)

A fine new book about the legendary Jim Clark shows how the engineers humbled Wall Street

In Brief (Personal Time/Your Technology)