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Posted Tuesday, December 05, 2006

LONDON: 22 May 2006: TIME magazine today published the first in a series of special features to celebrate 60 years in Europe. 'Great Moments in TIME' is a compelling six-part photographic series — to be published every month from now until November — highlighting decisive events and historical turning points from back issues of TIME. In this week's issue, TIME looks back at moments from 1946 to 1956, including the engagement of future Queen Elizabeth II to Philip, the age of the H-Bomb and the day when Roger Bannister became the first person to run a mile in under four minutes.

TIME will also be publishing two special editions later in the year to further celebrate 60 years in Europe. 'Europe's New Frontiers' will focus on how Europe's borders — geographic, political, economic and cultural — continue to shift and change. This special anniversary issue will chronicle how politics are playing out in both the European and international arenas; how businesses are adapting to the opportunities and threats posed by globalization and new technologies; how fashion, design and the arts are both responding to and creating fresh trends; how European society is coping with new demographic realities; and much more.

Leveraging TIME's existing annual Heroes issue, TIME editors will take a 60 year view and pay tribute to the extraordinary people who have transformed Europe in '60 Years of Europe's Heroes'. Celebrating the last 60 years, TIME will chronicle and profile the lives and legacies of influential individuals and examine how their achievements and innovations are changing the way we live and impacting the world around us.

The first issue of TIME magazine appeared in the United States on March 3, 1923, the creation of Yale classmates Henry R. Luce and Briton Hadden. They introduced a whole new concept in journalism: the weekly newsmagazine. Luce and Hadden wrote in their 1922 Prospectus, "TIME is interested — not in how much it includes between its covers — but in how much it gets off its pages into the minds of its readers." Today, TIME is the world's leading English newsmagazine, with a global audience of 29 million.

In a letter to readers in this week's issue, TIME's International Editor, Michael Elliott reveals, "Henry R. Luce, TIME's co-founder and editor-in-chief, had drafted a plan for an overseas organization for Time Inc. as early as 1943. At the end of the war, Charles D. Jackson, a vice president of the company who had been on the staff of General Dwight D. Eisenhower, said, "Our ultimate purpose is to put into the hands of anyone who wishes to read it, wherever in the world he may be, a copy of TIME." And so on July 1, 1946, the first issue of TIME Atlantic was printed in Paris." Albert Einstein was featured on the cover.

Laurie Benson, Publishing Director, EMEA said "It's been 60 years since TIME first appeared on the European media landscape; 60 years that have seen the region undergo dramatic transformations. From the fall of the Berlin Wall to the rise of the Euro, TIME's commitment to the highest standards of reporting has made it a constant part of European readers' lives. And whatever changes the next 60 years may bring — for media technology, for Europe or for the world — the TIME brand will continue to evolve, offering readers a reliable and credible information source for the future."

TIME is also organizing a series of events in Europe to commemorate this special year, culminating with a gala event in London in November.

TIME's history online: You can now access archived TIME articles and covers, dating back to 1946 and even 1923, on TIME's online archive: www.timearchive.com

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