Site-Geist: Economy Grows at Best Pace Since 1984

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The Surprises Inside the GDP Stunner Beyond the 7.2% third-quarter growth rate are some welcome improvements in business spending on equipment and software, claims BusinessWeek Online

The Bush Boomlet Slate's lead story Thursday: "Dan Gross on Bush's Bogus Boom"

Business Finally Comes Through in GDP Number's Rebecca Byrne says that now it's not just the consumers

U.S. Economy: Long-Term Recovery or Short-Term Blip? A transcript of George Washington University economist Frederick L. Joutz's chat on about the news

Why the Recovery Looks Like a Keeper BusinessWeek Online's Christopher Farrell says that despite the Administration's dollar confusion, the omens are good even for job hunters as renewed capital spending kicks in

A Big Quarter Paul Krugman writes in the New York Times that "we've had our hopes dashed in the past, and it remains to be seen whether this is just another one-hit wonder"

Dems Offer Bush No Credit for Economic Growth Conservative analysts disagreed, saying the president's tax cuts had everything to do with the robust growth

Disaster for Dems — A New York Post by John Podhoretz op-ed begins: "There's no getting around it: Life is getting a whole lot better for Americans and a whole lot worse for the Democrats running for president"